Zoll AED Plus Fully Automatic Defibrillator

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ZOLL AED Plus Fully Automatic Defibrillator

Supplier Part Number : 22300700502011130

An AED that Helps You Perform High-Quality CPR the ZOLL’s AED Plus is equipped with Real CPR Helptechnology. A sensor in the pads that attach to the patient lets the AED see each chest compression and lets you know how you’re doing. It guides you, with prompts and a real-time bar gauge, to the recommended depth and rate of compressions.

How It Works

• Our one-piece CPR-D-padz, which contains a pair of electrodes, senses and reports the motion of the chest compressions to the AED Plus.

• Audio and text prompts relay compression quality.

• The compression depth bar gauge lets you see the depth of each compression in real time.

• The adaptive metronome detects compression rate and guides you to at least 100 per minute.


  • ZOLL AED Plus (Semi or fully automatic units available)
  • CPR-D-padz Adult Electrodes
  • 10x Lithium Batteries
  • Operators Manual, BLS Poster, Instructional DVD
  • 7 year warranty
  • Soft Carry Case
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